Skin whitening TV ads becoming discriminatory

I’ve been meaning to write about this for some time now but just never got around it until now.

I understand that Filipinos are into fair-skinned girls (Are Filipino men really or are just influenced by billboards and TV ads?) but to say that to be beautiful you have to have white, rosy skin (which is what all skin whitening TV commercials are implying) is discriminatory to colored women. When has tan and brown skin started becoming unattractive or ugly?

There’s even one that had the story of a guy who broke up with his girlfriend because she wasn’t white enough so she started using “tooooot”…(sorry can’t mention the brand) to get whiter and as soon as she became lighter, the ex-boyfriend started pursuing her again.

Ads like these are discriminative. What’s PANA doing? They should ban ads that convey prejudiced messages.

Further readings:
Brown is beautiful
