Porn Art?

They’ve a new name for pornography now, ART! Make the pages glossy, feature celebrities instead of pin-up models no one’s ever heard of, digitally manipulate the photos, concoct a gimmick so that readers will have more participation other than just money, and the once considered ‘smut industry’ is now ART. And to many, it’s now an honor to be in it.

So what changed? The presentation, the process, the models but basically the principle behind it is the same, arouse sexual stimulation, create fantasy, and make money out of it

It still produces the same effect and desire to all who patronizes it; to aflame the imagination and gratify the flesh.

Like I said in a previous post, our world has become highly gifted in twisting the truth, in making the ‘wrong’ seem ‘okay’ and the ‘right’ (Biblical principles) an ‘extremity’.

Further readings:
Proverbs and pig jewelry
Love in waiting (Part IV)
