We need it and we want it NOW?

I’ve misplaced my pen for two days and spent time looking and getting really impatient searching for it because I thought I need it for a report and I can’t find one ballpen in the house. It’s so frustrating looking for something you can’t find, needing something that isn’t there. And for a Sunday school teacher to not have a ballpen is way low. But there was nothing I could do, couldn’t find one and couldn’t go out to get one so I had to do without it.

Well, I finished the reports and didn’t die. I lived through and still came out okay. And this morning, when I don’t need a pen as much as I thought I did two days ago, I found not just one but two of them in one of my boxes.

Sometimes we think we need or want something so badly. We feel and have decided our success, happiness and well being depends on it. We pray for it, work on it, lose our minds over it BUT it isn’t happening. And just when we’re not so caught up in it anymore, when it’s no longer frustrating to not have what we want, that’s when it happens, that’s when we find it, that’s when we get it. Why?

Could be God’s plan is at work (we just can’t see the whole picture yet). He has perfect timing than us in everything. We just need to relax and be patient, to learn to trust God completely, to do our part but leave the rest to HIM. He’s processing the situation and we need to have faith that HE knows what the ultimate GOOD is for us.

So don’t give up looking for that right person, or that deserved promotion, healing, work or that loved one’s salvation. Keep working at it, keep praying. It’s worth trusting the Lord.

Further readings:
Prayer changes things

The perfect time


Remilyn said…
nice post ate Thess! Very timely and very refreshing! Thank you!
Thess said…
Thank you for taking time to read Remilyn.

God bless.