Fireproof: (Movie Review) Praises and criticism

By Samuel Goldwyn films and Sherwood Pictures.

The film stars Kirk Cameron (Caleb Holt) and Erin Bethea (Catherine Holt). It’s a Christian film I highly recommend.

So here are some issues I saw in the movie that confirms what I already know anyway.

- That having God in the relationship is of utmost importance.
- That communication is vital in relationships
- That men and women really do think differently and have different ways of expressing, needing and giving love
- That knowing your partner (spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend) is important, you think you might be giving all you’ve got already “IN YOUR OWN WAY” but she/he isn’t seeing it because he/she wants to be loved a different way.
- That pornography and adultery destroys marriages
- That love, relationship and marriage is A DECISION and it’s WORK but WORTH IT.

And here are some that I’ve found Filipino couples might have trouble relating to in the movie:

- There’s no divorce in the Philippines
- It’s rare that a Filipina would have issues with her husband about not doing household chores. If the men does and helps, we’ll be overjoyed, if not, we just do it.
- It’s often the men who cheats or have flings outside the marriage.
- Our women are not that liberated yet nor independent to want to abandon the marriage first unless there’s adultery.
- Fighting over who should cook.

Saw a lot of cultural differences there nevertheless I still recommend the movie for its positive values. Not just to married couples but to single ones too who are planning, wanting and hoping to get married.

Favorite scenes: The presenting of salvation and Jesus with the cross on the field scene, salt and pepper illustration scene.

Favorite line: You don’t leave your partner (or something like that, can’t remember exactly).


This was shown in our church (GCF) few months ago...

May I also share this thought na nag-resound sa akin after watching the movie:

"Parting ways is not THE solution. Finding out the real issue and dealing with it IS."

(an advice from my Mom)
Thess said…

this was shown in my church too and true, sometimes just talking it out works it out kaya nga communication is VERY IMPORTANT in a relationship kahit sa friends, that make even friendship, last.
Yes, I certainly agree! Ü
MsRay said…
I met a Christian friend (she's also Filipino)here in South Florida who recommended the movie, "Fireproof". I have already rented it from Netflix and will be watching it soon. I have also started reading the book "Love Dares" which was mentioned in the movie.
Thess said…
I didn't know there's really a "Love Dares" book.


thanks for telling me MsRay
Yet said…
Hello there, Ate =) i already shared this movie to some of my friends, Pastor and fellow Christians. It's a good movie. They liked it. And i added it to my list of favorite movies. Do u know other Christian movies like this which deals on how to improve relationships, things like that? My friends are asking for more and it's nice to know that. This movie is really worth sharing. Thanks! May God bless u more and more.
Thess said…

I don't know of any other Christian movie that tackles about relationship as good as this but if ever, and I'd get to see it, I'd probably post a review here too.

YeT said…
Ok Ate. Maybe, you can also make a book as part of your ministry just like Kuya Kevin. I will buy it for sure. =)
Thess said…

Thank you but I don't think I'm good at writing books, not at this time.
Yet =) said…
Hi, Ate. Have u watched a Christian film entitled "Facing the Giants" from Sherwood Pictures also, same with "Fireproof". It's a nice movie, too. I just watched it last night with a friend. The lesson of of the movie is that with God, all things are possible. A highly recommended film and worth-sharing to everyone.
Thess said…
Have heard of it but haven't seen it yet.