How Sensual are you?

I took this test for fun several months ago but haven't been able to post it. Now that I've been a bit busy and haven't written much, I'm sharing it.

Your Sensuality Score is: 65%

You are quite sensual, but you don't go overboard.

You can appreciate a good piece of music (or pie) better than most people.

While you love to treat your senses, you're not greedy.

You enjoy any sensual experience that comes your way, but you are not a slave to your senses.

Don't be a slave to anything in this world. Do everything in moderation.


MsRay said…
I'm going to take the test, too. I want to know how sensual I am. :)

It's tag time again, Thess. Come and play with me.
Thess said…

I think I got this test form your former think you were 80 percent