Encouragement from another survivor

Brianna is a 17 year-old young woman from WA who has Narcolepsy, and one of its symptoms is Cataplexy. I was touched when she read my story and sent me an email. I’ve written about Cataplexy on my blog at one time and never thought I’d ever get to know one. And I’m honored.

So here’s Bri’s letter. Please do take note of the struggles she try to cope with. A little glimpse of what it’s like, from someone going through it everyday.

I just finished reading "My Story", after following a hit on my blog.
I wanted to let you know that it touched me and inspired me.
I wasn't affected by polio, but I do use a wheelchair. I have a condition called Narcolepsy. One of its symptoms is Cataplexy.
Cataplexy causes me to have episodes of muscle weakness, frequently to the point of paralysis. I go "floppy" as I like to joke.
It's made me have to use a wheelchair whenever I leave my house, and sometimes inside. I've spent a great deal of time in hospitals, and a great deal of time OUT of school. I love school. LOVE it, which I'm told is weird for a teenager.
I went through a very rough time when I had to start using my chair almost 2 years ago. It was hard for me to think that kids could possibly see past my chair and recognize that I'm a person.
Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that your story helped. Thank you for having the courage to share it with the world.

P.S. Good for you and making the video, I'm listening to it as I type this.
Bri Naslund
Do pay her a visit at her blog.

Now that makes all the effort of writing I do here worth it. What an encouragement to me!
