When someone hurt you (should you hurt back?)

(Does not apply to crimes committed punishable by law. Cases like this should go through the legal processes)

If someone hurt you, whether intentionally or not, by a friend or loved one, should you spite back?

First, think of why you’d want to wound that person. Is it anger out of what was done to you? Is it the desire to make the person suffer as much as you did to make him/her understand your pain? Are you certain you didn’t deserve or caused it?

Second; what would benefit you if you did? Would you be happier, more peaceful, more fulfilled, would it make things right?

The truth is; there’s never a reason justifiable enough to ever want to hurt or harm another person. He/she hurt you; you hurt her/him back, in words or action. Before the two of you know it, it’s become a vicious cycle of unending exchange of bitterness and wounding. And where does it stop, when?

The best way to forgive and get over the hurt incurred by a break-up (you got dumped, cheated on), a betrayal of a friend, rejection, defamation by a relative, is TO NOT take up revenge.

We don’t realize it but in doing that, we only hurt ourselves more. In the end, we would have to justify the wrongs we’ve done to this other human being just so we could hurt back. Pray, forgive and ask the Lord to help us get over the “hurt”, and even “love” that person, easy to say than to do but it works. If we try hard enough and pray hard enough, we can do it.

Romans 12:19 (New International Version)

19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"says the Lord.


Amen to that!

Matthew 5:44-48