Why women are crazey

I always say that being female is not a breeze. It’s not easy being fickle-minded. We’re more complicated than we and you think. Often, we don’t even get ourselves. Well, maybe after reading this list, you’ll have more understanding and spare more sympathy. Here are some of the reasons why:

1.We bleed every month – You think that doesn’t feel yucky? Add to that, abdominal pains, headaches and hormonal mood swings before, during and after; every month from puberty ‘til some years after 40. And then the ‘hot flashes’ of menopause. Men get a bit of a headache and you can’t talk to them anymore.

2.We have to have babies – Every woman’s dream is to become a mother, it’s innate even if that means being bloated for 9 months. Enduring morning sickness, cravings, labor pains and the risk of death from childbirth. And after all that pain, we have to breastfeed but believe it or not, those make us happy. So give us a break for freaking out now and then.

3.We have a biological clock – You have no idea how alarming the onset of 30 is. In a few years, your bid for motherhood will be forfeited already and it’s not like you can and should just lay down with any guy and get pregnant. You have to meet one who’ll marry you first, and your time is running out. The next thing you know, you’re adopting puppies and talking to plants.

4.We have to put up with men – We want to date, we go out, we search but we can’t hunt! We have to wait for the guy we like to show interest and what if he doesn’t? We’ll have to wait (again) for whoever would.

And then when we marry, we have to submit, for life!

5.We have to wear clothes – We can’t walk around topless in the midst of a scorching heat. We have to look a certain way to be attractive and look our best too, with smooth flowing hair while the men just walk around in shorts, bald.

6. We have to have stuff – Stockings, make up, lotion, shampoo, toilet paper, brush, sanitary napkins. Do you know how hard it is and bothersome to carry all that with us when going out of town, camping or attending retreats? It’s heavy!

7. We’re required to have beauty, brains and balance – As if managing our hair isn’t difficult enough.

Do you think we like every thing that comes with being female? NO!!! Complicate that with the high expectations of society. And we’re supposed to be the weaker gender at that, HELLO! What we, women, are, is the “misunderstood majority”.

So give us some room to be silly at times, we deserve a break now and then.

Further readings:
Men are difficult too
Would somebody please explain my husband

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LawReal said…
hey i love to talk to my plants :)
Thess said…
haha... and i wish I could adopt puppies
JLTan said…
I think some "stuff" (point #6) are not necessities, but just things that many women got comfortable with as a product of upbringing and culture.

But what do I know? I am a mere male.