Choosing the right friends lV (Age bracket, social status, common interests)

We have and keep friends for different purposes. For women, it’s mostly for emotional and moral support. A friend to a female means “someone to talk to”. But there could be other reasons why we want friends or why we jibe with some people and not with others.

Age Bracket
I have friends from all ages. With the children, I get to teach and mold young minds which I’ve been into for 22 years now. From the more senior friends, I learn as much as I teach the younger ones. I love their humor, stories of life experiences and sound advices. And with those of same age category friends, I get to relate with and find support.

I don’t think age really matters when it comes to friendship. Not just because their young, they’ve nothing to impart or because they’re older, they won’t be able to relate. If you’re walking on the same plane, I’m certain you’ll discover some compatibility.

Social status
Now, should you have and be friends with people of a different lifestyle and status? With the rich and famous even if you’re from the ‘ghetto’ part of the town? Why not, if they’ll accept you? Friendship knows no boundaries. Keep in mind though that they’ve a different way of living and you may not be able to cope up in the long run.

I think it’s easier if you were the one from the middle or above middle class being friends with those who have less. You might be able to help and realize how blessed you are with the things you have than if it were the other way around wherein you discover how much you lack.

Common interests
If you’re into hobbies or some special activities like painting, gardening, blogging, collecting etc. it’s helpful to have friends who are into the same things. You can learn from others about your hobby or teach them. So get involved in organizations and groups about those.

It’s good to have friends from all ages and walks of life. We learn, find support and fellowship in and with each other. So make lots of friends, they’re treasures we can keep forever.


Clever Elsie said…
A find that a great predictor of friendship for me is whether we share fairly common values, as well. We don't have to agree on every point, but it's just more natural to hang out with people who think similarly on core issues.
Thess said…
Same here Elsie.

Easier for me to get along with people who share same values.