New look, new feel, new things

I recently became acquainted with another blogger and was told she couldn't read my post because she's probably not using Firefox and the primary reason I'm blogging is to be read and get my messages across, so I decided to change theme/template. I wanted even readers with browsers as old as IE6 to be able to read and visit my site without hassle and in wanting to do that, searching endlessly for that perfect template that'll work both with Firefox and IE6 but will also have the look I want, i stumbled onto "Blogger Buster: Create a three column template" page and painstakingly took the advised steps to create the 3 column template I've been wanting to have (post on center of page), converting a 2 column template to a 3 columned one and here presented is the result! Yes, I'm proud of myself! Hope you guys like it, and now even those with IE6 will be able to read and view my blog correctly.

And with the changes I also added some new features. I've a shout out box for anyone who wants to leave me a message or just want to say hello. If you drop me a message there and provide your site URL, I"ll visit your place on the web. If you click the "MY STORY" button on the right side of your screen, it'll still take you to the story of my life, my paralysis and my struggles to get where I am now (wherever that is - haha).

Thank you and God bless!


kcatwoman said…
hey there.thanks! now me and more bloggers can view your blog. hav a nice day.i'll be reading yourposts!