Tough Love

It’s the love month and we won’t leave out the children.

I’m pro anti-abuse of children, women or anyone. No one has ever any right to lay a hand and beat another human; even criminals need to be treated fairly.

BUT I believe spanking is one of the effective methods of disciplining children (Biblical too - Proverbs 29:15) if not the best. And spanking doesn’t mean hitting anywhere but only the buttocks where it’s meaty. Thumping on the head, twisting an ear, slapping the face, any other form of physical discipline may be less painful but are far more degrading than spanking on the rear end.

I’ve a nephew who, for some reason, even at a young age defiled authority. And yes, you can reason out he’s just a child but someday he’ll grow up and if he doesn’t learn to follow what’s right and always have his way, imagine what he may resort to when he’s grown up. It’s better for him to have a few minutes of a painful butt than suffer for life behind bars.

When he was still about five years younger (can’t remember what he did), my dad had to impose discipline. He told him to lie on his stomach, face down and he would fight and kick back and scream and my dad had to hold him down and told him if he kept squirming he’d get hit somewhere else and it would hurt more but he won’t stop. Good thing my father targets well, he hit his butt with a belt once but with tears in his eyes. Of course the twit cried aloud, then my dad sat him down and asked him why did he think he was spanked and after he answered, my dad explained.

This happened twice but on the third time, dad didn’t have to hold him down anymore, he willingly gets on his stomach, face down and just cries and then he’s sat down and the whole process of explaining repeats.

We don’t spank my nephew anymore because he is 9. Older children are better talked to. He’s still hard to put up with at times (like any normal kid) but he’s learned to follow what we say though we have to repeat ten times.

You spank to break the will of disobedience not the spirit of the child. You do not spank because you’re angry, even best to spank when you’re not angry. You do not spank to inflict fear of you. You do it to make the child realize the painful consequences of, not following rules and doing wrong. Because when he/she grows up, the consequences will be more than just one painful blow on the butt and it’s important to make sure the child understands this.

It’s hard, I know, I had to spank my baby brother (14 yrs younger) once and I secretly cried after that but sometimes we need to hurt momentarily, in the long run, for the better.


Unknown said…
Hello...I love your thoughts and morals.

I have always been anti-violence.
I do not even give way to verbal abuse.
There is no reason for negative actions in any way shape or form.
I raised 4 children and my favorite savior was the 'Time Out' law in my home.
My children learned very quickly that time out meant time away from all the fun that their siblings were experiencing.
So there are way around physical enforcement with children.
After all what we so is what they learn.

Have a great day!

Thess said…
Different strokes for different kids.

the important thing is whatever we do, we do it out of love for them and it's scripture backed-up.

I don't have kids of my own but I've raised a brother 14 years my junior like he's my own son, and been a Sunday school teacher for 21 years now and tho it's tough, I love it!
Kevin said…
Good post and very true--even our Heavenly Father has to discipline us from time to time.
Thess said…
Agreed. I can honestly say I am whatever good I am today too because of God's unique ways of disciplining with love.
Jason Bruce said…
This is a good one. I can relate to your thoughts because I have a young daugther and a boy coming in May. Nice pictures of the kids.
Thess said…

Wow, May huh? Congratulations!
Jason Bruce said…
This coming May is the birthdate. We're very excited.