Love and the Truth

One can be truthful without love but one can’t love without being truthful.

How can a relationship (marriage, romantic, friendship, work-related) last if it’s based on lies and pretensions. Isn’t it better to be disliked for who we are than to be loved for who we’re not? Either you’d have to pretend all your life or be discovered you’re all fake.

In the end, all the lies and pretenses will catch up on us and the consequences, even worse than if we had come through with the truth earlier on.

It’s better to hurt someone with the truth than keep him/her in the dark for the longest time, that’s intentionally fooling or misleading the person, no matter the justification, it’s still not right.

In some cases, though being truthful not only sets us free but can also have redemptive results, there are things better kept in secrecy for life. If it’s something that happened in the past with no long-term, present or future, consequences, if it doesn’t incur danger or fear to anyone (including yourself), if it isn’t breaking any law of the land, If telling will just destroy what you've already extablished, THEN it may be for the best to leave it alone.

If your conscience won’t let you have peace then it’s still your decision. Pray and ask God for wisdom, weight the aftermath of your confession before you decide to do that.

This is what I’d say - If in the end, a loved one finds out about it, if that person truly loves you and given he/she understands you kept it for the better; he/she will forgive you.

“You can’t handle the truth!”
Jack Nicholson – A Few Good Men


Anonymous said…

Thanks for the comment! :)

passing by...
Thess said…
thanks for passing by :)

God bless!