It's all about love...Honest (award)

I’ve another award to add to the three blog awards I’ve gotten from MsRay. This one is sort of a “tag” award. Getting it means listing 10 honest things about me. And since it’s February, my list will be (goodness, what else) but a love-related one. And whatever you discover here, I promise, I’m being 100 percent honest.

1. I’ve only had two serious relationships in the entire 39 years of my life.

2. I would’ve been a Pastor’s wife if some people didn’t play god.
4. I’ve only one Valentine card in keeping (that’s why I keep it, it’s the only one I’ve ever received – I mean from a guy who likes me)
5. I’ve turned down two potential marriages in the last 3 months (what am I thinking?)
6. I’ve never been with anyone and I’m not ashamed to say that nor am I being self righteous.
7. I don’t flirt but if I like somebody, I show it. If he doesn’t like me, it’s fine also, AS LONG AS he treats me well.
8. I once was obsessed with someone who was obsessed with someone else ha-ha!
10. I’m praying for someone.

So there. Hope I did justice to that award and thank you MsRAy!
Honesty (is such a lonely word) is still the best policy.


MsRay said…
Hi, Thess! I enjoyed reading your "honesty" list. I can relate with the things you wrote. We need to compare notes. Sayang, ang layo mo :(
Thess said…
We can email if you like. There's an email at the sidebar where you can write me. I loved the "girl's day out" you had with your friend.

I'd love to be able to do that.

God bless MsRay :)