The Interview (On theedge)

For those who weren’t able to watch. This took guts to post guys.

Allow a few minutes for the video to load.

To visit the Edge, there's a link on the side bar of the page.


Anonymous said…
I got to be first! I really enjoyed seeing and hearing you, Thess! But, I didn't hear Suzi call in for his greeting, so it must have been edited.

Great that you got some publicity for the blog, and I pray that your inspiration for the blog posts are anointed. (Amen)

Thess said…
There's no call-in greeting. Suzi was in the chat room watching the live broadcast at the time, he was chatting with the DJs who were there and I found out after the interview about him when one of those manning the chat told me. He also sent an email afterward.

It's hard to explain how it is until you've been on the page so do visit the site sometime, there's link on the side bar.
hehehe...i dont know all of these stuff ate thes hehehe...such an inspiring story...

i downloaded your video...hehehe' maybe we could show it to the congregation'

"bless the unbless though our story"
Thess said…
Yeah? Can you burn it? Maybe we can do that kaya lang mahaba eh. Well, if ever, you have my permission :)

Thanks for dropping by.