
Things to consider when entering a relationship with a foreign man/woman:

Language barrier
Communicating alone with someone speaking your own native tongue can be difficult at times, imagine a future with one who doesn’t even know one word of your language. And even if he/she does (a little), are you sure you’re truly understanding each other and getting your messages across?

Communication is very important in relationships. Some phrases come on too strong or offensive for some foreign culture while it may be nothing here or vice versa. Different cultures and countries have different ways of expressing and using words, saying things.

Cultural differences
You’re used to closely knit families while he/she isn’t. You come from a conservative culture while he/she is liberated. In Korea, walking beside your husband isn’t the practice but walking one step behind, instead. In the Philippines, spanking children is a form of discipline, in other countries, that might not be so.

You both grew up on different values influenced by your cultures. Brought up and lived in very different ways. You’d both want to live your lives together differently.

Religious Convictions
You love going to church, religion, the Bible and faith are important part of your culture but he/she is coming from a Muslim country or one that’s atheistic. Can you handle being sprinkled with cow piss (a religious rite in India)? You might have too if you’re marrying somebody who worships them.

Living Arrangements
As women, we go where our future husband will go, where he is, there we will be, his people will be our people, so will our children. Moving to another country is not as easy and beneficial as we often think. It entails living in a different environment than you’re used to, with another breed of people of whose ways you don’t know., there may be less opportunities there for you, less friends and even no biological family.

I’m not being all negative about interracial relationships. I’ve seen many worked. I’m just posting things that we need to consider first. How far are we willing to adjust to the differences? how far is he willing to meet you half way? We need to know before we fall.


Kevin said…
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Anonymous said…
Good points.

Im willing to adjust everything in my life, you now compromise, except the religious aspect. If you dont get or atleast respect my beliefs then Im sorry, I have to show you which way is out. LOL.
Thess said…
the Filipinos who've migrated there and got culture shocked.

Maybe it isn't technically a crime there and I'm being sarcastic but why did this parent got charged?

Pastor charged with felony for spanking son
Teacher calls social services on father after he paddles child.

Posted: October 25, 2008
1:00 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

A Wisconsin pastor has been charged with felony physical abuse of a child after he spanked his 12-year-old son for lying and a teacher notified social services.

Barry W. Barnett Jr., 43, of Poynette, Wis., is free on a $10,000 bond, but he could face up to three years in prison and fines for disciplining his son, the local Portage Daily Register reported.

At the pastor's hearing, Barnett's son said his father was right to spank him .

The boy said his father gave him two "swats" that "hurt a little" on his rear end in June. He told authorities both he and his dad cried while he was disciplined.

One of his siblings mentioned the spanking to a teacher, who called social services, according to the report.

The medical paperwork said the boy told physicians he didn't think he was abused and he loves his father.

The documents show the boy's doctor does not believe he was abused, and he called the event a "social services fiasco."
Thess said…

I could adjust too but it's good to consider these things before you get into it and yes, can't compromise God or your faith.

thank you guys for the comments.
Danny said…
Hi, I added you to my Proud Filipino Christian Bloggers Directory. I am trying to consolidate Filipino Christian Bloggers everywhere. You can find the list here Filipino Christian Bloggers Directory. No need for you to link back or post anything in your blog, but it will be appreciated if you do. If you don’t like it and want your link removed, or you want your blog description changed, just contact me.

God bless you and thank you.

Kevin said…
Regardless of that news story, I would say 99% of Americans believe it is OK to spank a child :)
Thess said…
I was a bit exaggerating when i wrote that and if it is offending to Americans, I apologize.

I did a research and found that yes, many Americans still believe in spanking.

Although I'm pro anti-child abuse, i believe too that spanking is a very effective tool in disciplining children.

If you're not aware yet, a new bill is being passed in Virginia and another state (I forgot, sorry) and also in Canada, that if approved, will completely ban spanking and parents who will do so could be hit with assault charges.

anyway, was just pointing out the difference in culture.

Thess said…

Thanks, I'm honored! :)
Unknown said…
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Kevin said…

It's no big deal; just wanted to clarify things a little--peace!