New Year's revolution

Revolution - A drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving – WordWeb dictionary

Do you ever notice that you put the same things in your New Year’s resolution every year? That when you reflect on the past year’s accomplishments, none of them were on the list you jotted down last January?

It’s likely that we just listed them down, never really intended to follow up or make sure we achieve the goal or changes we’ve set for ourselves. Probably because the changes remain just written, not lived, not acted on. The objectives remain a dream because we still live, talk, think and act the same and wouldn’t exert effort to turn our ways around.

I realize that I’m one of those who keep putting the same things on my list for the last few years now. For some reason, I’d make some progress for a while then revert back to the same routine I’ve been trying to get out of. And I’ve come to the conclusion that, we need to do more than just list a horde of resolutions, we need to revolutionize our mindset and lives in order for us to overcome the bad elements in it that needs overcoming already.

I’ve summarized my New Year’s resolution into just three:

1.Give God all control – meaning when things are out of hand, to not overly get stressed and worried but to pray and learn to relax and just trust the Lord.

2.Take care of myself – meaning saying ‘no’ to stressful things, to work with my dumb bell religiously like I do painting.

3. Fear less – Do the things that I want to do and not fear failure. Failure after all, is, not trying at all. To not dread relationship.

And may the Lord help me help myself do so.


Julie Donahue said…
I like your list! I think I'll adopt it myself!
Thess said…
Thank you for dropping by and may we be able to keep and do it by god's grace.

God bless :)
Marvelous goals for the new year.
Thess said…
Thanks for coming over. Happy new Year Apron!
Ms. Kei said…
you are very right! it all begins with the mind (as told in Rom 12:1-2). i like your list. here's my version:

avoid self-pity and self-centeredness; be Christ centered instead

mostly physically and mentally

to give justice to my profession - teaching

Same prayer: And may the Lord help me help myself do so.

May we find ourselves as goal achievers in year 2010. ^_^