Handy girl

(Handy with your heart)

My mobile phone was useless for sometime, obviously needing a new battery. For some reason, the battery bloated, not sure if due to over charging at one time or the numerous times I dropped it. Because of its odd shape, the lid of the battery compartment wouldn’t lock anymore.

So I taped the lid to the mobile phone, round and round and it seemed to work for a few hours each time but the tape loosens up and the screen would display “Insert Card”. So I just replace the tape every time while waiting till somebody goes to mall to get me a new battery and housing (since I can’t go myself – one of the benefits of being disabled)

Now, I’ve a new battery and a lovely pink casing, and new key pads. I can’t wait to load it up and start wearing out my thumb. So, though I had to put up with the annoyance of a broken cell phone housing and a dying battery for a few weeks, I was still able to use it when needed by finding ways to make it work and now it’s once again, not just more functional but pretty too.

Our hearts can be the same when broken (it can’t be replaced like gadgets, can’t be discarded like batteries and casings), it can be from a failed relationship or a tragic loss but we can be handy with it. Fix it and make it work till something better comes along. Open it up to the Lord and have Him look at it, pray God give us wisdom how to keep it working. In time, better things will come along, someone or something the Lord will be bringing into our lives will mend it back and give it a new exciting beat, just be patient.
“Come to me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28”
