For the children

My blog’s just not dedicated to women but to children caregivers as well, or anyone who knows a child, whether you’re a mom, dad, sibling, aunt, uncle or teacher, a distant kin of one or just an acquaintance.

I am recommending a commendable site that deals with children’s conditions, disorders, issues etc. It doesn’t hurt to visit and read from the articles there once in a while just to update one’s self of the latest about kids.

And please take notice of the “Food for thought” on the top right corner of the page where it says one truth that can never be contested – “that each child is a miracle.”

The site “Special Needs” is located under my “Others I read” category. Add it to your favorites and if you know any family or friend who has a child suffering from a puzzling or undiagnosed disorder or condition, please refer the person to the site.

And also, please read the powerful testimony of Gianna Jensen (link below) and realize the horrible consequences of the wrong decisions we adults make at times.

Further reads:

Testimony of Gianna Jensen: Abortion Survivor

Children having children: children killing children



Thank you Ma'am Theresa. I appreciate you visiting and endorsing Special Needs Publications. You may also visit for more information on special needs children.

God bless.