I'm back saying goodbye

..to 2008…

I’m definitely on blog again and posting one of if not my last article for December. So did you all have an awesome Christmas? I did!

And now, I’m ready to leave 2008. In three days we’ll have a new calendar year. Something is changing forever. To those who had a bad year, well, it’ll be over soon and the new one can’t wait to begin.

Don’t bring the heartaches with you to 2009, leave them behind and start anew. Easier said than done but there’s no better choice than that. There’s no guarantee that things will be a lot better for the world but for sure, there’s less chance of the exact misfortune happening to you again (given you don’t make the same mistakes and wrong decisions that brought them in the first place SO DON’T REPEAT!).

If it was a good year for you (it was to me) then be thankful all the more and just continue to outdo yourself. And this early on, trust the Lord and tell yourself that HE has great plans for you though often you don’t get to know it until completion.

To us, women, may we bring more honor to God, by our speech, action, thoughts. By the quality of our work, by the way we treat others; by the love we bestow our family and friends, by the purity of our intentions and… by wearing more clothes.



Kevin said…
Happy New Year! We'll keep reading your blog in 2009 :)
Anonymous said…
Thank you :) I'll try to write more meaningful articles.
Anonymous said…
Here's to a happier and healthier new year. Cheers, Thess!