Have you ever?

I’ve been tagged! Thanks to MsRay, I feel I’m really in the circle now…

Since it’s the holidays, let’s have some fun getting to know each other.

1. Have you ever been on TV?

Almost, I got an email from one of 700 Club Asia’s researchers if I’d be interested to share my story on one of their episodes, I did say yes but I don’t know what’s happened to it, maybe my story got shelved but at least, I almost had that opportunity.

2. Have you ever sung in public?

Yes, many times and never once did anyone throw a tomato. I used to be in the music ministry in my church and one of our praise leaders. I stopped because I couldn’t attend the practices anymore. I’ve sung in church plays and mini concerts. I also was a part of a quartet in a former church in my early twenties where I was the only girl.

3. Have you ever dyed your hair blond?

No, I still have virgin hair – ha ha! Meaning, it’s never been to the parlor and no one has ever touched it except my mother. My brother and his wife tried to curl it one time but I’ve stubborn hair, it just won’t cooperate.

4. Have you ever eaten frogs' legs?

No but I want to.

5. Have you ever received a present that you really hated?

Yes. It was a perfume. The reason I hated it and never used it was because I told the guy specifically, that I am allergic to strong scents, most especially from perfumes, and that’s exactly what he gave me. Did he even hear me?

Note to guys: If you’re courting a girl, know what she likes and what would kill her before you try to impress her with expensive gifts or else you waste money and get burned by your own doing.

6. Have you ever walked into a lamppost?

No but I once ended up in a ditch.

7. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people?

Not exactly, I made ‘Pastillas de Leche” (milk candies) for our youth fund raising once, was sold out by the way.

8. Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others?

Yes, I tumbled down the church stairs. We just did a presentation (my Sunday school kids) and my dad was bringing me down the stairs ahead of the class when he miscalculated the step and I ended up on the bottom of the stairs, on the ground.

I cried out of embarrassment, not from the bruises and the children were in shock. I mean, imagine seeing your Sunday school teacher swoop down from her chair.

9. Have you ever done volunteer work?

Yes. Most often than I like, others volunteer me ha-ha!

I am tagging the following because the world needs more men like them. Check them out!

KuyaKevin, KuyaErwin, KuyaJason, KuyaDave and KuyaMax

It's your turn to share, guys!
