Falling in line

So there’s this guy whom you really like and I mean REALLY, REALLY like but you’re not the only one trying to catch him. There’s gazillions of other females in delirium dying to get a date with him. And in order for you to get some chance you need to stand in line and wait forever till it’s your turn.

So you wait there patiently and with utmost perseverance, not minding the slow pacing. You check and see you’re just ten more lines away and you’ll finally get your autograph. You see him smiling like an angel to everyone and leering at the back of no. 10, wearing a backless shirt, showing off her Tweety bird tattoo (ugh) and you’re thinking – “Hey I can wear that too and I’ve more than tattoos to show, I’ve a birthmark as big as Cuba!”

Ok, I’m just kidding about that but my point is serious. I don’t see anything wrong competing for whom we like; it motivates us to be our best. The guys too compete for the girl they like so I think it’s alright for us women to do the same or wait for our chance to be noticed by the apple of our eyes BUT only as long as we can wait and take it. If it’s starting to hurt, it isn’t healthy anymore. Not his fault (we chose to line up), not our fault (because sometimes we can’t help whom we like or get attracted to). But if our legs are beginning to cramp, it’s not worth it if it’s only an autograph we’re getting and not a marriage contract. We deserve more for our labor of love.

But you say - how will I know what chance I have if I quit and give him up? Well, think of it this way, if He’s really the one for you, you would never have to fall in line.

A friend wrote on something like this on their blog a few days ago (from a guy’s point of view) and here’s my favorite line from the article:
Further readings:
