Christmas Rash?

Believe it or not, according to statistics, Christmas has the highest rate of suicides. Yes, it’s true. While it’s said to be the most wonderful time of the year, it’s also the most dreaded time for some.

The Holidays heighte
n the pain of losses, whether it’d be material or a beloved. Blame it on the commercialism of the holidays (all of the holidays). We’ve been made to think we should have everything we want at Christmas or be depressed. Unfortunately, we can’t have all that we want and some things we want (like family, loved ones, peace, wealth etc.) just simply can’t be bought from the store and put in decorated boxes. Thus, the season that’s supposed to bring joy brings misery and frustrations instead. And many had become allergic to it.

Well, maybe this year we can stop thinking “ME” and “WHAT I DON’T HAVE IS WHAT MATTERS” for a change. Instead of hating and dreading Christmas because of the advertisements and the reminders of the things we don’t have, why not see it as the time of the year when we can really make the lonely people we know (the broken friend, the widows, the elderly. The orphans etc.), feel they are loved and remembered.

Note: Christmas is NOT about us and what we ought to get and what we should have. It should be about one of the greatest event of all time, the birth of Christ!
