The perfect time

Psalms 85: 12 - A combination of Acrylic, poster paints and pastel pencils on a 12 1/2 x 15 inches board.

I never thought I'd ever work with brushes. I tried them before but my hands couldn't grip as well as they do now. When someone sent me a set of them recently (it's best to work with different brush sizes), I gave them another try and here's one of the results.

I suppose there's time for everything. A time to brush and not to brush. God prepared my hands first, just like God prepares us for His blessings, so we'll be worthy and ready to receive the answers to our prayers, so that we may enjoy his blessings to the fullest.
"There's a time for everything and activity under heaven - Ecclesiastes 3:1"


Kevin said…
This is lovely.
Anonymous said…
You're a woman loaded with talents. :)
Anonymous said…
That is absolutely beautiful Tish