When you're not looking

I misplaced my TV remote again (for the nth time) and went to look for it in possible corners where it might have fallen, hidden from sight or where I could’ve stuffed it in between other things so the niece won’t find it and lick it all up, mistaking it for a harmonica.

I ended up removing a small table beside the TV to see if it had fallen at the back but it wasn’t there. Just when I was about to give up and thought of just cleaning instead, I happened to glance beside the computer and there, my remote lie half presenting itself to me, as if grinning, saying “I’ve been here waiting for you, where’ve you been?” Argh!

Sometimes, “love” is like that. We search for it in the most possible places where we might find it, in people who might give it to us, in situations that may produce love. We exert all effort, beg God, pray like there’s tomorrow out of desperation to ‘love’ and be ‘loved’ back.

Ironically (and this happens, believe it or not), just when we’re about to give up and thinking of maybe staying single for eternity, that’s when we find ‘love’, in the corner where we least expected to find it, where it had always been, in a package, waiting to be discovered.

So what does that say about life, love and God? That when we don’t find or get what we want yet, to not give up but to go on, maybe get distracted a little from the goal of finding “THE ONE”. To not dwell on the momentary misplacement of the “LOVE” we’re looking for, to patiently wait till the Lord, Himself, lead us to it.

Sometimes we find it when we’ve stopped looking for it. So chill and trust God. He wants His children to be happy and so we will be.
