
“A merry heart doeth good (like) a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones…Proverbs 17:22”

I’m tagging myself!!! So here are 7 things you might not know about me:

1. I bleach worms – As I’ve posted before about Scoleciphobia, I am terrified of those blind, deaf, brainless wriggling creatures. The sight of them make me want to grab a Zonrox (a local bleaching and disinfectant) and discolor them to death. Yes. I’m Wormicidal.

2. I read backwardly – I get bored after the first five pages of a novel and cheat. I need to know the ending right away or lose interest. But when I read from the back, It’ll keep me glued on how it concluded the way it concluded. Good thing I don’t talk the same way.

3. I really have no ESP – Ok, I know I always say I have ESP BUT that’s just a joke! I really can’t read minds!

4. I can’t whistle - I’ve tried, practiced and even took lessons from children BUT all in vain. I’m so ashamed and now the whole world knows. Sigh.

5. I can read anything upside down - I can read any readable material that’s upside down as fast as I can read it right side up. Now, what I haven’t tried yet is reading one that’s sideward.

6. I’m a multi-tasking freak – Nothing gives me more pleasure and makes me feel productive than doing several chores at once. For ex. watching two movies at the same time (haha – I did that).

7. I have weird allergic reaction to some food – Thick noodles (Canton) give me faint headaches, stomachaches, dizzy spells, nauseous feeling and confusion. Same reaction when I have too much spaghetti sauce or eat crabs in coconut milk and shrimps. I can’t even stand the smell of crabs being cooked in coconut milk. My mom said she suffered the same when she was single. Hmmmmm…maybe marrying will cure it.

Remember to take a break and laugh. Have a Kitkat.


Anonymous said…
I enjoyed reading your post and knowing more about you :)
Thess said…
Thank you for reading :)

God bless you!
Anonymous said…
Hi, Thess. Can we exchange links ?
You are very talented, reading upside so well! I find it hard to read that way. I can't whistle either so don't feel bad. Enjoy your blog, I shall return! Gotta go to work now! Yippee!!!! I still have a job to go to!
Thess said…
Sure. thanks.

Have a good day KAren and thanks for dropping by!
Anonymous said…
Hi, Thess.

I've got a Lemonade Award for you.

We're playing tag, too, and you're it.