Put your love to the test

"You value something more when you’ve earned it."

Love doesn’t happen in a day. You might get attracted to someone in a millisecond but it doesn’t mean “Love”. Love is deeper; more intimate (not just physically but spiritually and emotionally) it’s a partnership. You can’t be in a ‘love’ alone. It takes two to really know and be in it.

Now, I know that when one is lonely, one can easily jump for it, without testing the water first. But this I say, being a woman, you’re worth more than a wink and empty promises, so much more than flowery words and momentary gestures of knightly deeds of someone trying to win you.

You’re worth the wait and the hard work for. Because you know when you finally give your heart, you give it all. Let him earn it.

If the guy can’t wait and he walks away, you’re seeing a preview of the kind of husband he will be when you’re married. The kind that won’t wait on you patiently, that won’t respect your decision; that will abandon when he doesn’t get his way.

I DO NOT MEAN play games. I mean, put it to the test. Don’t rush or give in out of fear you’ll lose the man. If you’re not ready yet, take time, if there’s an inkling of doubt in your mind it’s right to be with him then DON’T! If you think you don’t know him well enough to trust, know him more before anything.

If his intentions are pure and true, and he, himself is certain, you’re the right one, BELIEVE ME, he will wait for you.


Anonymous said…
Sometimes a man has to wait from a distance because she needs space. It's a delicate balance between not giving up and yet not being in her face all the time. If a fellow doesn't get that formula right, it's game over.

SOS 8:4, "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." I agree with my bro above, great post!
xandrajhoanne said…
hi ms. thess! can i call you ate? hope you dont mind...thanks for visiting my blog last time, and my apology if my reply is not that fast hahahah... but, im really pleased when i saw your name on my comments..glad you had time to drop by,,, hope we can be friends too though our communication is only through net...

may you continue to inspire more people in the world especially girls hahahahha... Godbless and take care always ^_^
Thess said…
Yes, you can call me "ate" :)
I will really like that. Sorry too if it took time for me to get to your blog, I failed the first time I tried but when i saw your comment on Kevin's site, I tried again and finally got there.

thanks for visiting (hug)
Thess said…
to spider,

Waiting and taking time is often not convenient but it's safe.

a woman not only protects herself this way but also protects the one she's going to be with.

If she makes the wrong choice or decision, she's not only going to hurt herself but the other person too.
LawReal said…
so true :) galing!