Love in Waiting (Part II)

She likes me, she likes me not?
Women are hard to read and I won’t argue this. Partly because we’re fickle minded (no degradation intended here) because we base our moods and decisions on our emotional state at the moment.

So if we woke up on the right side of the bed this morning, most likely we’ll have a pleasant happy day and if not, well, the opposite. Good and bad news affects our mindset too which in turn affects our emotion. So maybe today we’re extra affectionate to you but distant tomorrow.

So how would a guy know if we’re interested?

First – If you really have no chance, we will tell you straight, right away, we won’t wait a week or a month. And this phrase says it all, “LET’S JUST BE FRIENDS.” Sorry but when a girl says this to a guy; it’s definitely over even before it started. Now, that line is different from – “LET’S BE FRIENDS, FIRST.” This means, she is considering and seeing a possibility. The word ‘first’ implies starting something; may not be a relationship right away or love but she sees a potential to end there.

So why not just commit and be the girlfriend already? Well, here are some of the reasons why:

We’re considering more than one guy
Ok, it’s not our fault if we’re attractive and guys flock our corner. As long as we’re unattached, we have the right to entertain and take time to choose which one we’d get involved with. Nothing you can do here but wait for us to pick. Now DON’T ‘put your best false foot forward’ just to win the competition. Just be yourself. If we choose you then we pick you for who you are.

We’re not ready
We may still have baggage (fear of getting hurt, can’t trust, still has feelings for the ex, etc.) and think it’s unfair IF we can only give you one-third of our hearts. We want to give you all of it and the best of ourselves but we can’t until we’re ready.

We may still have other plans, a few things we want to achieve for ex. finish school, help family, pursue a career, travel. In short, a relationship isn’t a priority right now. We may like you a lot but we’re not ready to be tied down yet. It’s up to you if you’re willing to wait.

We’re waiting for someone better to come along
This would hurt a bit and many might disagree but I’m afraid some women do keep a guy just because they’ve not met anyone better yet. They keep you for company, for lonely nights, but the minute they meet someone they find more interesting, you’ll be dropped like a hot potato. So, you’re like a reserve. If that somebody never comes along, you’ll be there to catch them. Beware, choose well.


The question is, are you willing to wait? Are you willing to take the risk, to pursue and not catch? There’s no guarantee you won’t get hurt. Nobody ever has the assurance in the game of love. Pray to God to give you the discernment and the wisdom to know when it’s time to stop waiting and give you the strength to accept that it’s just not going to happen OR to keep pursuing because perseverance produces victory in the end.


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