Jealousy (Understanding women #4)

The secrets of women who rarely get jealous…

The good secrets

Her man is trustworthy. She had chosen her mate well and he had always been faithful and loving, building up her confidence, finding no reason for insecurity.

She esteems herself highly and feels that she and partner have a unique connection that’s just between her and him and that even if her man meets someone interesting, she’s confident he’d still look for that unique connection he’s found with her.

God is in the relationship.

The bad secrets

She really gets jealous but doesn’t show or tell it. She resorts to hurtful means to get back at him (for ex. Make him jealous back).

She doesn’t really care if she loses him. Therefore, she doesn’t love him.

No woman has ‘never’ gotten jealous, anyone who says so is lying or hides it well. We get jealous because we can read the same gender, we know the ways to get the men and we can tell if someone is trying to snatch what belongs to us no matter how subtly the other female is doing it.
