
He loves God more than me.
And will lead by my side, gently and patiently,
Waiting till we’re married, till I’m ready
For his love protects my honor
His arms provide safety, not harm

His ways are of the Lord’s and his life, shaped by faith
His achievements are more than trophies in a shelf; they’re the lives
he touched, the hands he helped, the hearts he bless along the way
He’s not rich but he works hard
Not famed but the only one I’ll know that closely

His words are few but demanding thought, true, bold
And when he commits, he binds for life
Faithful, trustworthy, honest
Being a father, a husband to him is an asset, not an obstacle
He will be my brother, my lover, my best friend
And in times of weakness, we will be strong together

He’s still out there, being refined into an even better man
Simple yet special, quiet but prayerful
And he will love me, not for what I can give him but because he wants to give me more,
Not for the skin I wear but for the soul I am within
Not settling for less,
He’s the one I want!
Imperfect and yet… the kind every woman deserves to have

Theresa Ellorando Flores

Further readings:
What kind of man are you?

Two types of men
