Honestly (Yen's story)

I was on the phone with ‘Yen” last Tuesday and she pointed me to one of the posts she had at her blog at Frendster. I thought it’d be just one of those rant articles where everything written down is just about the author but was totally wrong.

Two things struck me reading her post:

…that it’s so honest, no pretensions. She wrote in detail what she felt exactly at that time, exposing her doubts about her faith and THE FAITH. That she so openly admitted the spiritual rollercoaster I think every Christian (new or veteran) have experienced at one time and goes through now and then, battling to press on with the Lord.

Favorite line: Several times I said, ‘I love You Jesus! I love You Jesus!’ and I would sometimes cry as I utter those words. But I know deep within my heart that I am not fully living what I am saying.

I couldn’t have said that any better and confesses that at times too, I know I could’ve been a better testimony to others.

…that every minister’s (whether Pastor’s, lay workers, group leaders, disciplers, missionaries etc.) labor in the Lord is never in vain. She recounted how those who brought her to the faith worked night and day with her to help her out.

Favorite line: But God always proves Himself faithful. He reached me out through a co-worker, my boss, my church leaders, my discipler, old and new found friend and most of all my family. My co-worker spent several lunch times with me counseling.

Sometimes, we, who work for the Lord questions too if our endeavors in the faith really bears fruit and her post proves it does. We often forget we’re just instruments. It’s the Holy Spirit that really work these things out.

Yen is only 24 (orphaned at a young age) and her journey and life in the faith and ministry is just beginning. You can read the whole post here.


It's normal for us to feel the way Yen felt. When we experience negativities, we tend to question Him and would seldom get mad. Thinking of this situation, I remember the famous story about the Footprints in the Sand. We think that God left us behind, but actually He carried us as we go through life's trials and difficulties. Have faith!
Thess said…
Amen! That just encouraged me right now as I am going thru something too. Thanks for visiting.
Ms. Kei said…
thanks for posting the article ate thess ^_^

yeah, christian living is a roller coaster ride and i've experienced (and experiencing) both the excitement and twists and turns along the way

in the end, i hope that i, as well as other christians, continually focus on the excitement, thrill and adventure being with God MORE than anything else
Thess said…
was a good post Yen. Keep writing. Hug