Why I read what I read

The book is called “North Carolina” by Terry Fowler (A Christian author). It’s a romance novel that has 3 different stories in it. The truth is I don’t read romance novels but out of wanting something different to do for a change, I thought I’d try this one. This book was sent to me by someone along a horde of other best sellers. Books in the Philippines are costly and he knew I don’t buy unless I’m thinking it’s worth it.

Anyway, I browsed the first few pages of the first story and lost interest right away (happened the first time I tried it so it got tucked away in a corner for a long time). The leading female character was whiney, overly dramatic and sensitive, often angry over trifles. One of the reasons I don’t read romance books, the women are often misrepresented.

Now the second story….. I found tolerable. And here are the reasons why I liked it…

1. All the main characters are Christians and prayed many times.

2.The leading female character run a day care center (My ministry had always been associated or has something to do with children)

3.The leading female character had a traumatic experience in her past relationship (been there)

4. The leading female character is barren (I’m not, I love children BUT most likely I will never have my own – a truth I have to embrace and only another woman who also love kids but can’t have them will ever understand that kind of pain.)

5. The leading female character is a decent, not flirtatious, old fashioned, hard working woman. Not at all whiney nor overly sensitive or dramatic. And most of all, not selfish.

6. The story gives hope to those who’ve made mistakes in the past, who’ve gotten hurt in the past, those who’ve lost a loved one (from death).

I finished it in a few days. Reading bits by bits whenever I have time. Did get tempted to do it backwards (ending to beginning which I have a tendency to do) but NO, I didn’t cheat.

What we read, what we listen to, what we watch, who we look up to, all influences us, all contributes to the conclusions and decisions we make. What we read also reflects what we enjoy, look for, can relate to, and hope to happen.

So self – filtering is important. If we want to fill our minds and hearts with good things, faith, hope, love (Agape), God – we choose the ones that will give us that. We choose the books, TV shows, heroes and even the friends that will spur us to be closer to God and love one another.
I don't think the book is available here.


Yet =) said…
Hey there Ate... have u read the book "HE CAME TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE" by Dr. Rebecca Brown - a Christian doctor...it's a true to life story of a former witch and bride of Satan in the U.S. who became a Christian with the help of Dr. Brown..I already read the book twice through my former co-worker in Subic and now I have it and just borrowed it to my cousin. She got it from the donated books and audio-visual aids for Sunday School by American missionaries in our church sa Pinas. Try to find a copy..it's worth-reading and u will learn more facts about angels, demons, vampires, zombies, etc. God bless u more and more.