Too young, too much

My dad was watching the “Tyra Banks show” the other day (out of not having any other shows to watch) and her guests were young girls ages 13 – 15 and all of them, pregnant. The other night a young girl was on the news, also 13 and on the ‘family way’, the other day, a 14 year old was on the show, “Wowowee”, yes, pregnant too.

It saddened me so. Their own bodies aren’t even fully developed yet and now there’s another one growing inside of them, at a time when they’re supposed to be discovering themselves still, going to school, learning, working on a better future than the one they have and achieving that. BUT now what?

They have to stop school, face the shame of it, the guilt of it, and in a few months, face life or death. “Complications of childbirth are one of the main causes of death for women under 20.” Not only is the young girl at risk but the baby as well, and then after birth, the responsibility of raising a child when she herself, is still one.

The rising number of early pregnancy is alarming. I suppose the best way to battle it is to educate our young about the consequences of pre-marital sex and early pregnancy. And it’s up to us, the adults, the older ones, to do that. Who else would?

Further readings:

Health risks of early pregnancy

You lose!
