Love Unrequited

You think the worst thing you can ever go through in life is falling for someone who can never return your affection (aside from accidentally shaving off your eyebrows) but you can be so wrong.

I’m certain all of us have experienced unrequited love more than once in our lives and it was a pain nothing like anything in the world. You want to wring the neck of the other person (he better be single and God fearing) who just can’t see you’re the best woman for him. YES! I’ve been there!

And you never thought you’d ever be in that other end who can’t love back (not that way). Because you’d say if anyone loved you like that you won’t let him down. Then it happens. Someone loves you true but you can’t return it and not with someone you just recently met but with a friend you’ve known and cared for, for years. You hurt just as much not being able to give back because you’ve been in that place. You know how painful it is, how frustrating, and you’ve said before that you won’t let anyone close to you know that kind of hurting too (not realistic) if you can help it. And now there’s this person whose happiness is in your hands but you can’t give it.

The friendship is endangered. You want to continue to care but would that help or worsen his loneliness and longing for you and him to be more? You’ve been there and you know it could.

I’d say don’t leave him while he’s hurting but be careful to not be forced to give in (been there). Treat him/her like you would want to be treated if it was the other way around, with love and understanding a true FRIEND would, even if that’s the farthest you can go.

No one should feel guilty, not you nor him. It’s neither of your faults. Sometimes, we can’t choose who we fall for, not even when you’re older and love has become more of a decision and commitment more than an emotional rush. It happens. It’s life, being a pain.


Ms. Kei said…
Yeah, no one should feel guilty about it. One just should make sure he/she learns from the 'roller coaster' of emotions that happens in his/her life.

It's part of..growing up! ^_^
(whether you are a teenager or not)
Clever Elsie said…
I recently had to go through this with someone in my life, a guy I dated for awhile who then became a friend and recently wanted to return to a closer relationship. Because I DO love him like a brother, it felt horrible to crush his hopes, especially since I've been on the other side of that pain with men who weren't interested in me!

I guess in these situations, we just need to be respectful of what feels most comfortable for the other person. Sometimes, they need to take a break from the friendship, a cooling off period, and that's okay. Other times, they want to just continue the friendship as usual, and that's all right, too, as long as they don't cling to the hope that it will one day lead to something else.

As for my friend, he seems to prefer the latter route and is handling it pretty well. I just hope it continues and that he doesn't disappear as soon as he has a girlfriend!