The wife that isn't

I stumbled on this news site story through a link sent to me by a friend about this girl who wrote to the site about the status of her current relationship. Presently, she’s living in with her boyfriend and wants to tie the knot already but the boyfriend obviously doesn’t feel the same way and tries to avoid the topic as much as he can, even getting annoyed whenever she mentions it or anything related to marriage.

The readers of this particular corner of the site (I regret I didn’t save the URL address nor can I remember the site) all gave their peace of mind and most of them were women. I was surprised to find that not only do the women openly accept the excuses of the boyfriend but they also found fault in the girlfriend’s desire to marry already.

All of them agreed that she should wait till the guy is ready, in the meantime, continue playing house with him. WHAT??! I understand that he just went through a tough time (whatever it was, not stated in the letter) and that we can never force our man to do something he doesn’t want to do (in this case, marry his girlfriend of 3 years already), I understand that a lot of the readers were considering him but what about the girl??? DOES ANYONE CARE ABOUT THE GIRL, who obviously isn’t happy with the way the relationship has been and where it’s going (more like not going)?

Does anyone realize that in a relationship like this, the woman is reduced to something lower than a prostitute? At least a bar girl gets paid for sex, in her case, she not only give it for free for all his pleasures, she also pays his bills, cleans his house and endure the insecurities this kind of relationship brings about while he gets his freebies.

The only person truly benefiting and happy about it is the boyfriend. He’s getting more than what he deserves, all the benefits of having a wife without becoming a husband. Don’t we, women, deserve happiness in a more secured relationship??? Yes, we do and shouldn’t settle for anything less than that. We don’t have to be the wife that we’re not, to a man that isn’t our husband.

I submitted my comment to that site but they didn’t post it.

For further reading:

The dangers of cohabitation


Kevin said…
Great post, Thess. Nice to hear this from a woman's point of view.
Thess said…
Thnx. I linked it to your article pertaining to the same subject so that readers will get to read from a man's point of view too.
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you did a great job here in your blog i love it! take care always and Godbless^^
Anonymous said…
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