Gone Firefox

I’ve always been loyal to MIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer) but it has really sucked lately. The pop-up blocker of the current version of MIE I have can’t be turned off. I tried that several times but the blocked pages still won’t show up. It’s been telling me to upload to version 7 but when I do and download the upgrade, it wouldn’t install and I tried this 5 times already also.

So to remedy my browsing problem, I got Firefox. I was hesitant because it’s known to upload pages slow and I can say that MIE does load faster.

A few days ago, FF prompted me to upgrade also and this annoyed me. “Not this too!” I thought. The new version (V.3) boasted of a faster upload of pages, new features etc. not having much choice, I did and NO! I didn’t regret it! So today, I made it my default browser.

So to all who haven’t gotten Firefox yet or haven’t upgraded, love yourself more, get it!

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