Doing good

This is Judy Ann (not the famous actress in the Philippines). She is 10, Grade IV and one of the scholars in our program. When she started in my class, she was one of those who wouldn’t talk. If you ask her a question, she wouldn’t answer. She‘d cover her face with her hands or just smile and bow her head. I never forced her to talk. I understand her shyness roots from low self-esteem.

She’s among the numerous children I have in my class that lives below the poverty line. She and her family literally live in the cemetery. But since we started the scholarship program with the vision that one day they’ll be able to move out of the cemetery (and I’m not recruiting, we’ve already got sponsors and we’re not allowed to recruit), she, along with the other children have improved from “not participating at all” to “now volunteering” for the play they’re going to present at our church Anniversary in September. From ‘not talking’ to reciting the memory verses we teach them.

Obviously, the scholarship program have helped them, made them feel important, that other people do care about them, that God is moving and alive, and doing something to help them have a better life, and this gives them the confidence to try better. To show they’re worth that.

Sometimes the kindness we show others, no matter how little, goes along way and makes a difference in their lives, we just don’t know it.

“Galatians 6:9 – Let us not be weary doing good, for we will reap in due season, if we don’t give up.”
