Dangerous Assumptions (Part I)

- You like him, he’s so nice and likes you (BUT not that way) – Often when we like someone, we read more than there is to read. Some people are just plain kind. Their good deeds simply roots from a good heart and nothing more.

If a guy is truly interested in you more than a friend, he will tell it so. If not then it’s clearly just friendship and will remain that unless you both have verbally come into an agreement that you are more, and have started a relationship.

Don’t torture yourself and massacre every flower you see, chanting ‘he loves me, he loves me not’. Total waste of time (and flora), if he’s not saying it or expressing sincere interest (and you know what I mean) don’t be counting on it, just be a friend and enjoy the company. Now, some men are shy and most are slow, and realize it too late. So you just pretty yourself up, make many more friends and leave it in the hands of time.

Don’t be caught up in a whirlpool of emotion that in the end, will turn out to be just a figment of your imagination. You'll just end up hurt and resenting your friend who doesn’t even know what’s happened AND lose the friendship that who knows might have had a potential to be more in the future.

to be continued...


Brewed Coffee said…
So true. Sometimes, because the guy is nice, we take it the wrong way. We should not make assumptions and should wait for him to spell it all out to spare us from disappointments