Cassava on your head, anyone?

Mom got bored and played parlor. I thought she was kidding when she said she’ll try curling my hair with Cassava (a root crop in the Philippines made into cakes, yams etc.) plant stems. Well, I found out yesterday how serious she was when she walked in to the room carrying what looks like tiny twigs in a tray.
At first I thought they were veggies for cooking. I laughed when she told me she’s going to put them on my head.- hahaha! And who am I to argue?

And so, there I was, feeling like a tree. She said we should’ve done this Saturday night – and what, go to church with twigs? Come to think of it, won’t have to buy the kids at Sunday school snack anymore, they can just pick off root crops from my head.
Don’t you just love moms?
