The last 3 days

Weekends are my busiest times. Unlike the regular person who works, my stress begins on Fridays and wears down on Tuesdays. I don’t do much but the few responsibilities I have are enough to strain whatever gray thing I still have in my head.

Saturday – preparations for the next day

- Prepared lessons for Sunday School class
- Listed down teachers to talk concerning their schedules
- Texted and called committee members (Hope Manila Scholarship Program) and made sure each was informed of the urgent meeting the following day

Sunday – My day starts at 5:30 AM.

- Sunday School Class (had 46 kids – 25 in my class and 21 in the beginners level)
- Meeting (Scholarship Program Committee)
- Put ads on my new blog home (acknowledges Kevin’s encouragement, comments, suggestions and help. I finally figured out my Adsense account and recovered from my frustrations when I first tried and failed.)
- Had my nap at last! – was so sleepy already.

Monday - Well, the day isn’t over yet so here’s some of the things I need to do and finish.

- Check papers from Sunday School class (done)
- Update my blogs and put a ‘Blogroll” there. It’s a list of links to blogs of friends I recommend.
- Update my book and copy the Financial report I made and emailed two days ago.
- Type and report/email the minutes of the meeting yesterday
- Print documents
- Start a new painting

There, my normal weekend. I can’t go out but I’ve plenty of things to busy myself with. It’s good to be busy. Idleness invites depression. So if you’re feeling down, get moving.
