The beautiful you

Ok, so there I was frustrated for not being able to come online for a week already (the phone cables were stolen again and along with it, our DSL), breezing through the TV channels when I stumbled on this new TV series. Thought I’d see what it’s all about and found inspiration in the fictitious being of a TV series persona.

I think the series started a few weeks back and I’m a few episodes late but I caught on fast. Towards the end of the show, she finally decided to end whatever feelings she still has for “Henry – (the accountant)”, though obviously he still has feelings for her, and her for him but dumped her for a hotter chick. Now he’s really going to regret it.

The main character of the show has wavy black hair (looks black to me), wears glasses and short (hmmm, sounds like me). The only difference is that I don’t wear (teeth) braces and she doesn’t go around on a wheelchair. In a superficial world, she is no one but the ugly secretary but to those who can see better and through, she’s a beautiful soul.

Just shows there’s more to oneself, life and a relationship than the physical aspect, the physical is part of it BUT NOT ALL of it. Sure, take care of yourself but let’s admit it, not everyone is exceptionally pretty but that’s no reason to hide in the corner. What’s on the outside is not as valuable as the person you are inside.

So to all the other “Not so good looking Betties” (me included) out there, don’t fret. God is fair and each one of us is unique. Find confidence in the Lord and let your love for God shine more than your hair.


lily said…
AMEN to that sister. Praise God for all the wonderful things he has given you & I encourage you to continue on with your inspirations.
Anonymous said…
Thank you lily and to you as well.