Single and under pressure?

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\Family matters \

So you’re getting old, you look in the mirror and wrinkles are sprouting everywhere and you’re still single and never married, so what???!

If you’ve remained unmarried for the right reasons; because you don’t want to be in something you know God doesn’t approve of, you’ve made mistakes and don’t want to repeat, you don’t want to be with someone just for the sake of not being alone, because you just won’t settle for less, you’re doing the right thing! Being wise at something is never to be regretful for.

Would you have rather rushed or compromised and in the end got hurt and suffered the consequences of a hurried decision? I don’t think so.

Some married early, some marry late and some never get to that point but it shouldn’t be the end of the world. I know that it’s innate for us women (even men) to want a family, look after a husband (Or wife) and raise our own kids but not having that (Often not of our choice), makes us less.

We can look after older or weaker family members; raise nephews and nieces and pursue our life goals, serve the Lord while on the journey. And sometimes when we’ve least expected it, we meet the right one.

So here’s to all the single women (and men too) out there, who keeps missing the ‘just married’ bus because it won’t stop for you ( a glass of iced tea). We’re not alone, no we're not, we have God, HE comforts us and HE has a plan. Cheers!


Kevin said…
I bought a book entitled Being Single is Better than being Married to an Unsuitable Partner. I haven't had time to read it yet, but it looks promising. It's a locally authored/published book.
Thess said…
Sounds int'resting Kev, and so true too. I'd rather marry late, to the right one than hurry and see al the love I have been waiting to give, be wasted :)
Ms. Kei said…
let's have a toss for that! ^_^