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24 days of 2025

Goodness it’s 2025! Time flies so swiftly. Can’t believe 2024 went by just like it did, like a supersonic jet! Just some news about me I guess? Nothing spectacular really but might still inspire you somewhat.  I received a very late birthday greeting from an old friend today, unexpected but much welcomed and appreciated! It brought back memories of days gone. All suddenly I got the urge to write something here so bear with me friends and we’ll see what I can come up with. My kitchen has been recently renovated and the modification has greatly improved my ability to work there. So I’ve been roasting lamb and making casseroles, and of course, Filipino dishes. Whatever I am craving, I cook. Nothing beats that. So I made “Leche Flan”, a Filipino dessert that’s composed of eggs, condensed milk and plain milk. It was really good   Then I thought of making my own popsicles. Why not eh? It turned out really nice! I was truly proud of myself.    Others have achieved far more,...

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